Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Back on the Horse

Wow has it been a long time since I was blogging regularly! It seems like I just got things rolling along when I hit a snag nearly a year ago and my computer died. Yes I was using Ms. E's laptop after that, but I swear the thing was possessed and had a mind of its own! Not fun trying to write up a post when the thing decides to unexpectedly shut down. And that was a good day.  >:-(

Last week not only did Mr. CC get us a DSLR camera, he got me my very own laptop and so far so good. Now I need to get back to blogging. It almost feels like I'm starting from scratch. Do I still have any readers out there? Hello - echo, echo, echo...

If you're still with me after all this time, thank you! I promise to get things running again very soon. Is there a cure to get your blogging mojo back? If so, please let me know.  =)  This time around I'd like to be on a better blogging schedule and have regular weekly post, like Frivolous Fashion Friday with a couple new ones thrown in the mix. Maybe a what I wore post? Lots of you mentioned wanting to see what I was wearing. That could be fun.

Anyway be expecting lots of future posts. I'm looking forward to getting back to it! 


  1. Yeah! I knew you would be back. I checked occasionallyand enjoyed looking through past posts. Can't wait for the new ones!

  2. OOH OOH OOH! a fashion friday please! My wardrobe needs inspiration!

  3. I'm still here .... in Germany. Waiting for new fashion friday posts.



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~ Catie