Thursday, August 25, 2011

Lucky Day

Hi There. Hope your week is going well. The weekend is almost here and I can hardly wait! And heehee, today is my Friday. LOVE that!  : )

For over a year and a half now I have hated our tv stand. It was that dark brown/black color. You know the one, a day after you dust it looks like you haven't dusted it in two weeks. It drove. me. nuts! We'd had it for four years or so and as soon as we got a new flat screen tv it was even worse. What is it with the new tv's being dust magnets? They put off the heat and suck up all the dust in the room. Annoying!

Anyhoo, I've been going on about wanting a new tv stand ever since we got that new dust magnet. Mr. CC kept on about how the old one was just fine and looked nice. I did not agree. First of all it was huge. It used to have doors on the sides so you could close it up. But we never closed them and it made the thing even wider. About six months ago I took them off and for a while it looked better. Still, I was on the hunt for a new, cheap priced tv stand! I would look on Kijiji all the time. And because I didn't want to spend more than $60, when ever I responded to an ad it was usually already sold.

Well my lucky day finally came Monday. May I just say, it pays to be patient. I really think it is a virtue. So, I'm looking on Kijiji and see a tv stand listed for FREE. It's Ikea, it's pine, it's the right size and the people live crazy close. Immediately I email about it and leave my phone number. A couple hours later I get the call, and yep, it's still available! I couldn't believe it. The ad had been up for days. When does a nice piece of free furniture stay listed for more than a day? It was just meant to be mine.  : )  We picked it up Tuesday night and I couldn't be happier. It looks a zillion times better. Even Mr. CC has commented several times how much nicer the living room looks. He even said, and I quote, "I should have just listened to you all along. You were soo right." Love when I'm right. Which is always, right ladies?  ; )

Here's the old tv stand. 

This was the best picture I could get. The thing is a black hole.
It sucks up all the light in the room! This picture was taken
after I'd started clearing all of our stuff out. I did have
pictures and stuff on the top.
And the new and improved tv stand!!  : ) 

Much better, huh? Can you believe the woman
didn't want any money for it? 

I am sooo happy with it. It totally opened up the room. It looks soo much bigger without that monster of a stand. And it's brighter in here too. Love that. I also love that I could paint or stain this baby any color I want. We're liking it now, but you never know. The first thing on my to do list, buy or make something to hang on the wall above the tv. Oh, the options.  : ) 

This is the second post this week with a peek into our living room. I recently posted about our antique crates. Now that I have my pretty tv stand, I'll be giving you a tour of the room sometime this weekend. Be sure to check back for that. You'll be amazed at all the nice, FREE furniture I've scored over the years. 


  1. I like the new stand and the new, lighter colour too. Lucky girl! Looking forward to seeing the rest of the room:)

  2. Lovely find, that woman is really generous :) Love the look of it!


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~ Catie